We welcomed two new volunteers this month…….Manuel and Joe live in Laytown and joined up at the beginning of June. They have already made their mark, clearing the weeds from the flowerbeds around the trees.
Manuel and Joe at work New Laytown Tidy Towns volunteer Donagh O’Brien
Also new to the ranks is Donagh O’Brien, seen here on the right of the picture. Donagh has already shown himself to be a martyr to the cause, litterpicking on the estuary during the torrential downfall of rain on June 27th! He made a valuable suggestion on the previous Saturday to clean up the Seafields and the approach road. Two full bags were collected, so well done Donagh and David!
We also transplanted some of the saplings this month. These saplings were donated by Meath Co. Council in the week before lockdown, and have been grounded in a volunteers garden since then! Some have been planted outside the back wall of Aldi. Two Weeping Willows have also been transplanted, one in the flowerbed at the railway sidings and the other in the smaller bed at the front of the carpark in Laytown. We have more to move so if you know of somewhere that could use a few trees please let us know!
We have revitalised the planters on the promenade…….they now each have a fuschia, a trailing geranium and a lavender plant. We will be adding another plant for the centre of each one in the next week or two!
We are sorry to have to report once again the ignorance people demonstrate when recycling bottles….this is how the bottle bank looked on Wednesday 24th June.

It is possible that most of the banks were full, but taking your bottles away, finding another bottle bank, or taking them home to come back another time are options available!! It is really NOT necessary to just leave them for someone else to pick up. We hope that this photo will prove to Meath Co. Council the need for the return of CCTV so that the perpetrators can be caught!
Once again we would like to ask if anyone would like to join us, even just occasionally, to work in the locality on a Saturday morning. If you have a half an hour to spare please come along…..new energy and new ideas are always welcome. We meet at the Coast Tavern at 10am and hope to see you soon!!