The Stamullen Roundup
By Grace Tierney
Happy Halloween to all. Despite the increased restrictions it’s good to see so many homes decorating regardless, the primary school hosting a dress up day, and even in the absence of door-to-door visits, I suspect plenty of chocolates and sweets will be consumed by young and old before this issue reaches you.
Congratulations to Stamullen woman Alma Jordan, the founder of AgriKids – the child farm safety platform who won not one but two awards at the recent Louth Businesswoman of the Year Awards. She won the solo businesswoman category and the advocacy award for her passionate work on behalf of child safety on farms. Well done!
It takes a special level of commitment for a man to dye his beard pink and Seamus O’Dowd, sensei of Stamullen Martial Arts (who are running their classes online during level 5), owns that level for breast cancer awareness this year. He and his partners in pink are donating all funds raised via his Just Giving page ( to Aoibheann’s Pink Tie & The Irish Cancer Society. He has even promised that if he reaches €2,000 he’ll add the eyebrows for the craic. He’s on €1,170 as we go to print – so let’s see if he makes it to the Full Pink.

Congratulations to Gormanston farmer, journalist, and presenter of “Ear to the Ground” Darragh McCullough whose new book for kids “The Great Irish Farm Book” is out now from Gill books. It’s a fun hardback read for tractor-obsessed kids and is available in bookshops nationwide or at the farm shop in Gormanston. You can’t buy anymore local than that!
Clarke’s Fresh Fruit farm is a local legend which has been going from strength to strength in recent years. Every time I walk in the area they have more poly-tunnels filled with berries. This year they celebrate sixty years of business and they were delighted to recently win a bronze award at the Blas na hEireann Irish Food Awards for their strawberry jam which is filled with Stamullen fruit and produced in by Folláin in Co. Cork.
Well done to the local volunteers in the new Stamullen Revival Programme ( who recently did a clean-up of Watery Lane, with residents, as it had accumulated a large quantity of rubbish dumped illegally there. Good luck with your mission to aid local natural habitats.
Star of the Sea AC’s teen running has returned ** for members aged 12 to 18 with training on Tuesday nights at St. Pat’s running track (adult volunteer coaches welcome too). Running is such a popular pastime in the village now and it’s great to see younger runners getting started too.
With the arrival of level 5, Mass has moved online again. You can catch it on Fr. Declan Kelly’s youtube channel every Sunday. Stamullen church will be open daily for private prayer. Updates, newsletters, and donations will be available on the parish website If you wish to book a Mass, please contact Fr. Declan on 01-841264.
Drogheda & District Support 4 older people are running a Covid 19 story competition with a view to making a book of older people’s Covid-19 experiences. If you’re over 65 they’d love to have your Covid-19 Story (maximum of 500 words). Some of the entries received will be used to make a book as a record of this time. The first fifty entries will each get a free small hand held personal alarm, and the best entries will each receive a €100 voucher. Entries can be posted, emailed, or dropped into Drogheda and District Support 4 Older People at 7 The Haymarket. Call 1-800-200-100. The competition closes on Friday the 30th November 2020.
There are moves afoot to found a youth club in the village. The hunt for available locations and adult volunteers (especially in the 18-25 age group) is underway. There will be vetting and training. If you can help please contact Robbie Purfield – 0852275602 or Lisa Mellor – 0876355519.
Important Reminder – Stamullen CA Volunteer Group is still available to do deliveries for those who are restricting their movements (due to medical issues, waiting on test results, or because they have tested positive, etc). You can contact them on facebook, via the chemist and butchers, or ring 0876355519.
If you’re hunting for local businesses to support for gift shopping this year here’s a few ideas;
Soilse Candles – – made by Kaven Lavelle, Stamullen
Great Northern Larder – – artisan food and drink from our region delivered to your door
Unglu-d – – gluten-free sauces and seasonings – Co. Louth
You’ll find more at and there’s a push on by Drogheda retailers to get online too – search for your favourite shop and help them get through this year.
** Please note that changes to public health Covid 19 restrictions on indoor meeting may affect these events. Check with organisers if you have concerns.
Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087-9074145) or